• Making football more affordable and accessible for women

  • The biggest barriers for women in football are time commitment, financial costs, and confidence

  • Over 3 million women in the UK play football

  • 40% of them make less than £18k a year

Because we deserve it.

Your one-stop hub for everything women’s football.

Whether you want to watch a football game, book a beginner’s 5-aside, find a career in the industry, or buy your first football boots, we’ve got you covered💪

  • To serve an underserved industry, women need to be the main target audience. An all-inclusive football platform would make women a minority, as they are 20% less physically active than men, which would subsequently impact our marketing efforts, our financial decisions, and the way we build and price our services. Our focus on women sets us apart from platforms which offer a one-size-fits-all solution.

  • The first subscription we plan on launching is a playing service that allows women to book and play unlimited football games for one monthly fee, anywhere in London.

    We surveyed over 420 women in the UK with an interest in football, and 72% said that a subscription would increase their playing frequency, save them money, or motivate them to start playing.

  • Our initial focus will be on individuals who play football casually not as a part of a league. But in the future, we will introduce team memberships that will allow women to bring their football mates on board, apply for sponsorship, recruit players, and challenge other teams to friendlies. Exciting right?!

“Women’s football depends on you to survive.”
